ATP Certificates Issued Year-to-Date 2023 Tracking Close to 2022 Numbers

Halfway through the year, the question of how we are tracking when it comes to the numbers of ATP certifications issued for airplane multi-engine pilot certificates. The numerical flow of issuance of these ATP certificates is directly related to how well we are doing at continuing to provide a flow of pilots able to provide service in the airline environment. It is without doubt a data point worth following.

The good news is that we are tracking very closely to the number of issuances, in fact, slightly higher year-to-date as of June than we were in 2022. Considering 2022 was a high-point year in recent history, this means we might be producing as many ATP certifications as our system may allow.

You can see the monthly issuance on a month-by-month basis in the table here to the right. A track of the yearly track as the months go by each year from 2017 through 2023 as of June this year is below and offers further comparison. The chart does show drops in 2020 and 2021 as the system was affected by covid restrictions as one might expect, but also tracking higher in numbers than years previous to 2022.

The production rates seem to be relatively stabilized, perhaps indicating what a maximum potential production rate per month in our current infrastructure might be overall.

Today is deadline for The First 2023 Paul and Fran Burger WINGS Sweepstakes Entry Deadline, June 30, 2023!

The WINGS Industry Network (WIN) administers the Paul and Fran Burger Sweepstakes. In 2023, WIN offers two sweepstakes drawings, each including cash AND prizes. The sweepstakes is designed to provide incentives to participate in the FAASTeam WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program. WIN offers a chance to win one of fifteen awards in the bi-annual contest. To be eligible, pilots must complete a phase(s) of WINGS, and CFIs must validate phase(s) of WINGS.
The first half of the 2023 sweepstakes consists of ten cash prizes of $250 and five prizes generously donated by Gleim, Gene Benson, Pilot Institute, AOPA, and ASA. That means fifteen lucky aviators are eligible to win!
The first half 2023 entry deadline is June 30, 2023, so get busy and complete or validate a phase and get a chance to win real cash and prizes! You can enter the sweepstakes in the Team Member Rewards section of the “My WINGS” page at
For more information on the sweepstakes and to learn about the mission of the WINGS Industry Network, visit

Updated FAA AC 90-66C – Non-Towered Airport Flight Operations Available

The FAA has recently released an updated Advisory Circular on Non-Towered Airport Flight Operations (AC 90-66C), issued on June 6, 2023.

This is a great document to brush up on your understanding of traffic pattern operations, study for any upcoming checkride, or to use with your students if you are CFI.

You can find it at:

Reset that Night Currency Charlie

Sometimes, you just need to get out and fly a bit for fun.

With a non-committed morning ahead of me and an opportunity to sleep in, it was a good night to take Charlie for a spin and reset some tailwheel and single-engine night currency.

A little trip to to the lakeshore with a good friend riding along let us see the last of the sun leftovers drip away as we scooted along the Lake Michigan Shoreline and then into Holland for a couple full stop taxi-back landings before then heading back to Allegan.

You can’t get much better than a smooth ride in a 76 year old aircraft along the shoreline as the last of the light fades and brings on the night in the summer. Thanks for helping reset the night currency Charlie!