Ok, so the GPS Was Doing What it was “Supposed” to Do, Just Not What I “Would Want” it To Do

Well, the GPS was working properly after all on the flight from the previous post (Normally when a pilot had a depiction of 3.9 nautical DME miles from a Class D airport and hadn’t talked with the tower on a practical test, I would have failed them….but…). After some more digging, we found it was doing exactly what it was programmed to do. It just isn’t programmed to do quite what I might think I would like it to do in such a situation.

The GPS wasn’t actually telling us the distance to the station that we had put into the FMS, it wasn’t “distance to the desired waypoint” from the present position of the aircraft to that what was programmed into the FMS that was being shown, it was in fact “distance to current waypoint along a track.”  More precisely, it’s the remaining distance along the path assuming the aircraft were on the path. It doesn’t’ matter if you are on the actual track that was programmed, or parallel to it. On it, 5 miles to one side, or 1000 miles to one side, it is going to track the distance along the parallel track to the perpendicular point of the originally set FMS point.

Confused yet?

So was I. So we made the system do it again.

It’s not an error if it does the same thing each time do the same thing right?

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Normally when a pilot had a depiction of 3.9 nautical DME miles from a Class D airport and hadn’t talked with the tower on a practical test, I would have failed them….but…

In this case, things weren’t exactly as they seemed, and a little more detail is required, and it brought up a very interesting question. What if your GPS data is not depicting correctly.

1If you look at the first picture to the right, you can see a track (from a screen shot I took on my iPad with my charting software) that shows us approaching the KBTL Class D airspace ring. On a practical test, I will always stop an applicant from “getting us in trouble” and doing something such as breaking airspace. You can see our track on the screen shot was taking us very close to the KBTL airport.

In this case, we were navigating visually (not using the GPS to get to a point west of KBTL that is used as a common entry point to the airspace (a gate – high density training environment) and staying a little further north than we normally might to avoid some rain showers that were in the area. As we approached the area, I got a bit more sensitive to the proximity to the airspace as the applicant visually navigated using a chart and referenced the ground. I did the same, but also had my charting application running and shot this screen shot as we got closer to the airport. Continue reading

Solving the Pilot Shortage – New Solutions Developing As the Shortage Develops

The question of a pilot shortage continues to draw comments from all sides of the discussion, showing that interests instead of fact may be what are gaining media press, clouding the real situation from real analysis.

The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) contends that there is, “There’s no pilot shortage. It’s a pilot PAY shortage!” If you think this is a factual representation, it is worth remembering that it is the job of ALPA to represent pilot interests and to push for an increase in pay. If I was doing the job there, I would say the same thing. But that doesn’t mean the statement wouldn’t be biased, serving of the interests of a specific constituency, or even self serving of the Union itself. I also can’t say I disagree that some levels of pilots to need to get paid better. (Listen to a recent discussion with ALPA representatives here – http://www.wmfe.org/pilot-shortage-experts-weigh-in-on-causes-and-impact/). Continue reading

Ferry flight for 337 on hold…maybe to revive at a later date….

2015-04-24 09.53.00Well, with more information in hand, the trip may happen in the future. While a number of things remained outstanding for our original proposed date of departure, the day came and went without solution, for good reason.

We have since had contact from the receiver of the aircraft who has experienced a medical issue that is the cause of the delays and will require reconsideration of the delivery to another date. So, for now, it is on hold, but in another month we will revisit the potential to revive the trip for my co-pilot and myself.

In the mean time, the annual is progressing. Although, as we wait for some parts for the fuel gauges, it would have been another reason for a delay in the original delivery schedule. We expect that the parts will arrive in the next week and the annual will be able to be completed and some test flights can take place.

Yellow FeverWe also have had to do a couple other things in the mean time.

I now have a Yellow Fever vaccination that had to be completed. It isn’t so much that I need the vaccination to go to the countries that we are planning on travelling through, but it is likely that if I have traveled through these countries proof of the vaccination will be required to come back through the customs to get home. So, I am now vaccinated.

Another piece of the puzzle that needed to come together was the receipt of the travel VISA for Brazil. This arrived a few days ago and we have held off doing the one for Argentina just yet. That one can be done online, but the Brazil one took all of the 10 business days that they said it would to get back to me. Those were 10 long days of worrying about the fact that my passport was not in my possession.


I am sure people that do this all the time have many of the things I am doing now already done, but for a first time long distance ferry, there are lots of things that need to be done.

A few other details we have pulled together since my last post include services for  handling services and enroute airport services. Fuel quotes at most locations have been secured, and a large FBO chain in Brazil and the handlers we are using are coordinating our fuel supply along the route. We get pretty spoiled here in the United States by being able to fly around and just whip out our credit card and pay for the fuel.

We have been starting to compile weather resources to look at along the route and have pretty much come down to the fact that we will be self-briefing using resources. There isn’t a Lockheed-Martin Flight Services that covers this route. Notams will be pulled from the U.S. Government NOTAMs service (https://www.notams.faa.gov/dinsQueryWeb/) and we can do the same for METARs and TAFs at http://adds.aviation weather.gov.

skyvectorlogoSomething I hadn’t noticed before, and am pretty intrigued by, is that SkyVector has a great weather overlay that can be used when in range of an internet connection that allows METARs, TAFs, and satellite and radar information to be viewed on VFR and IFR charts. I have no doubt that this is a resource we are going to be using.

What I am learning through this entire process is that there is a GREAT DEAL that needs to come together to make a trip like this happen. You can’t just decided to do it the next day. And it is expensive.

Things like getting VISAs can take weeks, getting fuel handlers set up can take weeks, and finding the right route can take weeks. The simple fact is that someone endeavoring to do a trip like this in a light aircraft probably needs to start planning 4-6 weeks out. But at some point, you have to pull together all that you have done, and launch. I am certain even with best laid plans there will need to be modifications along the route. I promise I will tell you all the good and bad as we go if we end up having the trip become  a go in the next couple of months..

While the delay wasn’t in our original plan, it does offer time to get a few more ducks in a row if the trip revives itself.